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Participants & Speakers

Academic, prof.dr. Ivan Supek
Ivan Supek, was born in Zagreb on 8 April 1915.
He acquired doctor's degree in Leipzig 1940, where he continued to work with famous Werner Heisenberg until 1941, when he was imprisoned by Gestapo being involved in the antifascist activity. Released from the prison by intervention of his professors and German scinetist Heisenberg, Hund, von Weizsaecker. Joined the croatian national liberation struggle in 1943. Already in 1944, fourteen months before Hiroshima, he warned that the new wars with atomic bombs to be made soon could destroy the entire life on the earth
Professor of the theoretical physics at the University of Zagreb; later having the chair for philosophy of science. His main contribution to physics was the discovery of the diferential equation of electrical conductivity at low temperature.
Ivan Supek joined after the World war II the international movements for peace and abolition of nuclear weapons.
He spoke about science and humanism in 1995: "The diversity of the world cannot be overcome in a political system; whoever tried to do that only produced tyranny and misery. The richness of plurality and diversity will only be increased in the future. All the European and world organisations are not enough, and cannot be effective if not inspired by the universal spirit and consciousness nourished by science and art."
His role in initiating and establishing the Dubrovnik/Philadelphia declaration and participation at Philadelphia Congress of World Unity 1976, his ten humanistic principles which are more or less inevitably repaeated in every later peace summit and event, establishment of the International League of Humanists, his life-long struggle for human rights and development of democracy, make prof. Ivan Supek one of the greatest humanists of the 20th century.
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