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The background of the World Peace Summit in Zagreb

Interreligious World Peace Prayers
Mahamandaleshwar Paramhans Swami Maheshwarananda - Swamiji, the founder of the system "Yoga in Daily Life", initiated worldwide International and Interreligious World Peace Prayers because he has recognised the urgent need to promote and develop awareness of world peace. The first prayer took place in the Croatian city of Umag in September 2001, and afterwards in numerous cities in Austria, Spain, Germany, Slovenia, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, the USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and India. Thousands and thousands of people were lighting candles which were floating on the sea surfaces, lakes and rivers of their countries with wishes and prayers for peace among all cultures, nations and religions.
More about the World Peace Prayers
More than thousand people lit candles at the sea coast in the early evening. Everyone prayed for peace in accordance with their religion and belief.
Umag, Croatia, 2001
International Conference in Vienna, Austria, 2002
On October 5, 2002 the first International Conference of World Peace and the Message of Mahatma Gandhi took place in Vienna, Austria, initiated by Swamiji as one of his greatest contributions to these efforts. 2,000 participants attended from 40 countries, including ambassadors from 25 countries. It was an impressive event held to promote world peace through understanding, respect and tolerance between religions, cultures and nations.
The conference focused on human rights, ethics and human values as the most valuable assets for world peace and sustainable development.
Conference Resolution
More on the Vienna Peace Conference
"We recognise the interconnectedness between the world of humans and the world of nature. Unless we care for the Earth and one another, we risk the destruction of ourselves and the diversity of life."
Vienna Resolution, 2002
World Peace Forum, Sydney, Australia, 2003
The Asian-Pacific counterpart of Vienna's conference was held in Sydney a year later. The World Peace Forum brought together more than a 1,000 religious leaders, politicians, environmental and humanitarian speakers from Australia and the rest of the world. They gathered in order to communicate practical solutions which can be adopted in everyday life to help to overcome the current peace crisis and release the state of peacefulness in everyday life.
Conference Resolution
More on World Peace Forum
"We entreat all world - leaders, spiritual, political, social, environmental and humanitarian, to be united in their efforts towards lasting world peace - to show tolerance, respect and understanding, recognising the strength of ‘unity in diversity’."
Sydney Resolution, 2003
World Peace Summit, Brno, Czech Republic, 2004
"Yoga in Daily Life" World Peace Summit and the message of Mahatma Gandhi were held in Brno in December in 2004 in the memory of His Holiness Dharmsamrat Paramhans Swami Madhavanandaji. More than 2000 participants from Europe and the rest of the world gathered around Mahatma Ghandi's peace message "Be the change you want to see" for similar reasons. They wanted to inspire a dialogue on world peace through tolerance, respect and understanding among religions, nations and cultures, to strengthen the will to live together in peace regardless of national borders, religious and cultural differences, to awaken the compassion towards all creatures, as well as to promote and support the UN Millennium Development Goals.
Summit Resolution
More on the Brno World Peace Summit
"World peace can only become a reality when all people rise above national boundaries, politics, religion and ideologies. This World Peace Summit has given hope to strengthen our resolve to replace the culture of war by the culture of peace."
Brno Resolution, 2004
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