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"Yoga in Daily Life" Croatia

In all larger Croatian cities
Approximately 10% of Croatian population has familiarised themselves with "Yoga in Daily Life" in the last 20 years. Nowadays people can practise this system in almost all bigger Croatian towns. Practises are led by more than 50 instructors with an international certificate gained after many years of education and taking of the certificate exam.
"Yoga in Daily Life" Croatian web page
Public lecture, Vatroslav Lisinski Concert Hall
Zagreb, Croatia 2004
At faculties
"Yoga in Daily Life" has been incorporated as part of the physical training into the Faculty of Philosophy in Zagreb ever since 1996. Two years later the same thing happened on the College of Food Science and Biotechnology and the College of Textile and Chemical Engineering.
Presentation of Croatian translation of the book "Yoga in Daily Life".
Zagreb, Croatia 2002
Program for school teachers
A three-year program called "The training of educational workers for the application of the exercises from "Yoga in Daily Life" system as additional educational programs" has been run in cooperation with the Ministry of Science, Education and Sport since 2003. The program aims at improvement and support of physical, mental and social health of all participants in the teaching procedure, including the facilitation of the teaching procedure itself. Approximately 200 elementary and secondary school teachers from the whole of Croatia have taken part so far. They evaluated the content of the program, the expertise of instructors and the very operative organisation as extremely favourable.
Yoga classes are held in "Yoga in Daily Life" centers in all larger cities in Croatia.
Special programs and researches
Beside the standard program, very successful Yoga program for children is being held (back in 1992 it was approved by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports and was found to be suitable for children in all elements of the program) as well as Yoga against back pain. The association has experience with running of many different programs like Yoga for diabetics (since 1997), Yoga against stress (1999). All programs are run by specially educated yoga teachers who are teachers, pedagogues, psychologists and medical staff by profession. Yoga teachers work very successfully together with different institutions on some researches. In cooperation with Clinical Hospital Center Srebrnjak research on influence of yoga exercises on children with asthma problems was initiated and some researches like research on influence of yoga against high blood pressure and yoga for healthy heart are in preparation.
Academy dedicated to the celebration of Twenty Years of "Yoga in Daily Life" in Croatia.
Zagreb, Croatia 2004
Humanitarian activities
"Yoga in Daily Life" does not teach only physical and mental relaxation, gaining health and spiritual progress, but also conscious and active coexistence with other living beings. Its members have organised and taken part in numerous humanitarian actions through Croatia. The founder of the system, Paramhans Swami Maheshwarananda, is a regular guest in Croatia. He donated the profit from his lectures to the Association of the deaf and the blind, and to the people with cerebral palsy and infantile paralysis.
Press conference with representatives of humanitarian societies "Croatian Society of People Suffering from Leukaemia and Lymphoma" and "Touch Croatian Association of deafblind persons"
Zagreb, Croatia 2004
All the Croatian associations of "Yoga in Daily Life" are united in the Croatian Union "Yoga in Daily Life". They are also creators of the foundation of the Croatian Yoga Union.
World peace prayers have started in Croatia
The first "World Peace Prayer" initiated and led by Paramhans Swami Maheshwarananda was held in Umag in September 2001. Representatives of the Catholic Church, the Islamic Community, Indian ambassador to Croatia and members of the local government participated in the prayer together with more than 1000 guests from all European countries. Umag peace torch full of understanding, tolerance and love for all beings returns to Croatia with "Sri Swami Madhavananda World Peace Summit and the message of Mahatma Ghandi" after it has lit the candles of many prayers for peace around the world.
The first "World Peace Prayer"
Umag, Croatia 2001