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About World Peace Through The Perspective Of Tibetan Buddhism
September 25, 2005
About world peace through the prism of multi-culture and multi-religion will also speak Lama Shenphen Rinpoche, the Abbot of "Tibetan Buddhist Congregation - Dharmaling", strongest Buddhist community in Slovenia, where he lives since 2002, after lifing in native France, Greece and Spain.
Youth Representatives Will Also Attend Summit
September 25, 2005
Zagreb, 25 September 2005 - Assertion that the children and youth are the future of the world is backed up by the fact that the youngest will also be speakers at the Summit. Among them is 25 years 'old' Anita Svalina from Zagreb, who has connected her diploma of business enterpreneurship with the promotion of the peace, echology and multiculture.
PREMIER OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA: "I supported the nomination of the Swamiji for the 2006 Nobel Peace Prize"
September 9, 2005
Although he will not be able to participate actively on the Zagreb Summit because of his obligations, an extremely warm letter arrived from the Prime Minister of South Australia, Mr. Mike Rann.
In his letter, the Prime Minister Rann particularly pointed out the work in the fields of environment protection and social welfare, which is in the middle of the interest of the Zagreb Summit initiator, Paramhans Swami Maheshwarananda.
"We in South Australia have been honoured by the Swamiji's presence and direct involvement in our State. He has taken part in valuable interfaith dialogue in our capital city, Adelaide. And I have worked closely with him in order to share South Australian expertise in water management with the Sustainability Centre in Rajasthan…Most recently, in April 2005, the Swamiji joined us for a very special event. This was the opening in Adelaide's famous Parklands of a Sacred Forest - part of an initiative to plant three million trees in our city and suburbs… It was without hesitation that, earlier this year, I supported the nomination of the Swamiji for the 2006 Nobel Peace Prize" - Prime Minister of South Australia Mike Rann stated in his letter.
September 7, 2005
Master Lin Liang-Meng, Taoistic teacher from Taiwan, who has been living in Canada for the past 9 years, and is one of the leading person in I-Kuan Tao Alliance, also confirmed his attendance on the Summit.
Master Lin spent 16 years studying chinese culture and philosophy under the guidance of various Taoistic masters. After leaving Taiwan, he lived in Argentina, where he founded non-prophite organization which took care of the poorest inhabitants of the country. He is the author of several books of Taoizm, and on the "Sri Swami Madhavananda World Peace Summit and the Message of Mahatma Gandhi", he will speak about world peace from the Taoistic aspect. Master Lin is the first Taoistic Master visiting Croatia.
August 31, 2005
World Peace Summit in Zagreb is getting support from all around the world. Vice-president of India, His Excellency Bhairon Singh Shekwat who is not able to take part in Summit personally, has written a letter of endorsement. In his letter, among other things, he says: "We must shun violence in our lives, which has emerged as the potent threat to international order and civilised values. A time has come for all of us to assert mankind's spiritual identity and re-energise our common quest for universal peace and sustainable development. The Summit, I am sure, will provide an excellent opportunity to the learned scholar-participants to exchange views on the millennium development goals and evolve a perspective for a peaceful and prosperous global society."
August 5, 2005
As a part of theSummit there will be organized a large selling exhibition where about 20 groups and individuals are going to be presented and who will, by all means of their work and activities, cover the themes of the Summit - non-government associations for ecology, environmental protection, protection of human rights, humanitarian organizations, religious communities, spiritual groups, manufacturers and distributors of healthy food supporting higher and healthier quality of life.
All three floors of CH "Vatroslav Lisinski" are reserved for the exhibition.
Detailed information about renting the exhibit space can be found on pages "exhibitors" and "sponsorship" on Summit web-site.
August 3, 2005
The list of respectable participants in "Sri Swami Madhavananda World Peace Summit and the Message of Mahatma Gandhi" is getting longer and longer.
Exposures on world peace, health, education, environment and water protection, ecology, safety, multicultural and multi-religious issues for peace and sustainable development have been announced from many speakers from Croatia, as well. Among them are: representative of the Office for National minorities from the Government of the Republic of Croatia M.S. Milena Klajner; representative of the Office for supporting the sexes equalities from the Government of the Republic of Croatia Helena Stimac Radin; representatives of catholic churche, religious community of Bahai, buddhistic religious group and many others.
A very substantial part of the Summit will comprise issues of ecology and environment protection, with an accent on the waters. The greatest experts of the world are going to inform us about of the present conditions of water protection in Croatia, Europe and the world, the reasons for saying "NO" to plastic, influence of chemicals on subterranean and surface waters, climate changes caused by human acting, close connection of vegetarianism and environment protection, protection of threatened animal species in Croatia.
June 21, 2005
Most fruitful Croatian lady writer Vesna Krmpotic will also participate in work of "Sri Swami Madhavananda World Peace Summit and the Message of Mahatma Gandhi". Renown by her works of art of mostly spiritual thematic, Vesna Krmpotic had published over 50 books, of which most famous, "Hill above the clouds" and "Bhagavatar" have inspired many readers for spiritual seeking and on the path of self-knowledge. Born in Dubrovnik, after years spent in India, Egypt, Ghana and USA, Vesna Krmpotic lives in Belgrade with her family today, and topic of her speech in Zagreb summit will be education and multiculturality, on which she wrote several books.
The only uprising that will bring the change of our lives is the uprising of conscience. It is being prepared in those who are ready for it.
In a cacophonic sounding symphony, let everyone find their instrument, their place, their moment and the score. Those who were meant to play the flutes -let them play the flutes - and not interfere with the drums or the harps. Let string players know their violins, let trumpet players know the trumpets.
But we are all musicians who watch at the One Hand which gives us the sign and the time, and by that Hand we are all One, no matter how numerous we who are diverse may be.
Vesna Krmpotic, Writer, Member of Croatian PEN
June 20, 2005
Director of Institute for climatic changes, dr.Timi Ecimovic is another one who confirmed his arrival to the summit. He is a member of European Academy of Sciences and Arts, and on "Sri Swami Madhavananda World Peace Summit and the Message of Mahatma Gandhi", dr. Ecimovic will speak about the role of science and scientists in encouragement, service to and fulfillment of World peace. Notably, one of main topics of the Summit will be World peace as primary task not only for politicians and civil society associations, but also for the members of academical society worldwide.
May 25, 2005
First confirmations for participation in "Sri Swami Madhavananda World Peace Summit and the Message of Mahatma Gandhi" began to arrive. Among many respected participants, German Ambassador to Croatia, His Excellency Juergen Alfred Robert Staks confirmed his arrival. Over 2,000 people from the entire World are expected to arrive to take part in the summit, and applications for participation are accepted until 1st of August.
May 19, 2005
Croatian President, Mr Stipe Mesic was among the first to send the, letter of endorsement to the Summit , and here is a quote from the letter:
"Every peace initiative in this divided and restless world is welcome and always has my entire endorsement.
Professor Swami Maheshwarananda,the author of scientific and world recognized system "Yoga in daily life", is a humanist and peacemaker, whom I have had the honour of meeting personally, and who by his daily, distinctive and selfless work promotes a dialogue of tolerance, respect and understanding among people.
His engagement against war, terrorism, violence, racism, hunger, poverties, abuse, pollution, and at the same time upholding of human libert , justice and permanent following of all universal humanistic foundations, ethical and democratic principles, have contributed to his gathering of great number of admirers in this area. For this contribution, professor Maheshwarananda was awarded the Order of the Croatian Star with the Effigy of Katarina Zrinska in 2002, and I expect of the World Peace Summit and Message of Mahatma Gandhi, Zagreb to confirm the synergy of mutual respect, tolerance, love, non-violence and respect of nature.
Therefore, I wish to the fourth peace conference, which after Vienna, Sydney and Brno takes place in Zagreb, a successful work according to the wish for building of a more humane world, and to the organizer, Croatian Union of "Yoga inDaily Life", and to all the participants I wish successful covering of the topics of health, education, peace, and protection of water and natural wealth.
May Professor Swamiji and his messages and prayers be with all who wish, in harmony with democratic and ethic principles, the path and means for their personal and social peace."
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