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Participants & Speakers

prof. dr. Slavko Kulic
Slavko Kulic, professor of economy and interdisciplinary scientist, contributed with his numerous lectures, books and other public performances to the reinterpretation and deeper insight into contemporary science, its roots, as well as its possible future direction of development.
Prof. Kulic also dealt with factoidal outcome of the science - what also the rulers, or the decision makers do, and how they contribute to the wellbeing of the whole world and the persistent progress of the human race.
New interpretation, reinterpretation, and future perspective of the world, as well as questions about the path which this world is pursuing, brought Prof. Kulic into the focus of interest of distinguished institutes and institutions in the world.
His work brought him the title of "Man of the Year 1992" by the American Biographical institute, as well as the Certificate of Merit for Distinguished Service by Dictionary of International Biography, XXVth edition, IBC, Cambridge, 1991.
He also gained the Certificate " 2000 outstanding Scientists of the 20th Century" for his outstanding contribution in the field of SCIENCE. It was signed and sealed at the International Biographical Center in Cambridge, England, on October the 5th in 1998.
Prof. Kulic was also honoured by the Certificate of International Order of Merit, of the International Biographical Center in Cambridge, England, signed and sealed in Cambridge, England; this second day of June 1991.
Slavko Kulic is a permanent member of the Croatian Academy of Economic Sciences and a member of the Croatian Council of European Movement (HVEP), Zagreb.
Prof. Kulic was also active for government administration of the Republic of Croatia, from 1964 till 1971. At the Institute of Economics in Zagreb, he has been the head of the Department for International Economic Relations from 1971 until 1988, and senior research fellow in the field of economics and international economics at the center for Strategic Research and Department for Interdisciplinary Research. Prof. Kulic is head and coordinator of many projects of the Ministry of Science and Technology of the Republic of Croatia:
Development strategy, integrity and sovereignty of the Republic of Croatia (1991 - 1996)
Global strategies for strengthening the Croatian economy (1996/1999)
Numerous commercial projects and court super-expert analyses - arbitral disputes both in the country and abroad.
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